Everyone wants to know how to make more money, but not everyone knows where to start. Do you need to budget better? Should you invest in stocks? You may not find an answer spelled out neatly in the stars, but you can use your zodiac sign to better understand your strengths and weaknesses.
Zodiac Ascending: Astrology Startups Reach for the Stars
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Everyone wants to earn money and become rich. Indeed, it is not easy to become a billionaire and it is also true that one needs to work real hard to become one, but have you ever wondered whether your zodiac sign is a key reason for you being a billionaire? Well, if you are a firm believer in the stars, then you must know that it is true. Astrology is concrete proof. Most events that happen around the world are predestined, like the outbreak of the coronavirus.
Astrology is not magic. It is a science and an important aspect to take into consideration when making major decisions in your life. Why? Because astrology and zodiac signs not only predict the future for you or inform you of important events in your life, but also give you direction to choose the right path at the right time. Among all the other predictions, becoming a billionaire is one. It contributes towards predicting whether you are going to be a billionaire or not. And even if you are, when?
However, it is essential to note that star-sign billionaires keep on fluctuating. Cancers are considered to top the list of the wealthiest star signs. Whether you want to believe in astrology or not, remember that one famous person, namely J. P. Morgan, had once said, "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do." Well, now that you know these signs have the most amount of billionaires, it doesn't mean you can become one too. To join the league and to find your place among them, you must work as hard as them. Hard work is vital when you want to reach the top, but your star sign is your right hand man.
Cleverly enough, the app does not use complicated astrology jargons and reaches out using colloquial, uncomplicated language. It divides itself into three central sections: Your Pattern, Your Timing and World Timing. You're most likely to find its judgments true, and since it doesn't explain the correlation to your natal chart, you may also feel like its rather eerie! But let's leave the clarifications part to the makers.
With the right attitude and plan of action, you will reach the stars in 2023, Sagittarius. This is especially true when considering the fact that the first Mercury retrograde of the year will be touching down on your second house of earned-income, and money-making abilities between December 29, 2022 and January 18, 2023. As you may remember, Mercury retrograde presents us with an opportunity to take a step back, in order to reassess and review the situation at hand. And in the case of Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, there may be greater emphasis on the foundation of your finances. Are you being realistic with your investments? Does something need to be restructured? This might not be a good time to start anything new, as it is equivalent to a celestial interlude where you can retrace your steps, and tweak your errors. Other than that, look out for the full moon in Capricorn on July 3, as it will bring something full-circle to your second house of money.
In a design context, mysticism involves iconography that relates to astrology and divination. The trend relies heavily on popular symbolism, including zodiac signs, all-seeing eyes, lotus flowers and sacred geometry. As in ages past, these symbols act as talismans, infusing the natural and celestial world with occult and deeper meaning.
Dustin Roasa wrote in the Los Angeles Times: As the head of Thailand's Securities and Exchange Commission, Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala is one of the country's most powerful policy makers. But his true passion isn't GDP growth or inflation rates. He's co-author of an English-language book of prophecies called "Know Your Future," which uses the Thai zodiac to predict, among other things, an al Qaeda terrorist attack in 2014 and an Obama reelection victory in 2012. A major government figure dabbling in astrology would raise eyebrows in many countries (think former First Lady Nancy Reagan ). But in Thailand, where ghosts are real and no important decision is made without consulting a fortune teller, Thirachai's interest is commonplace. "Astrology is very prevalent in Thai life. It's almost a given, and politicians are no exception," he said in the SEC's offices in a high-rise in the city's embassy district, with the soaring skyline visible behind him. [Source: Dustin Roasa, Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2011]
Just like our astrology, we are more than just our sun sign. We are multifaceted and this unique way of faceting for brilliance, impact and reach can be used for our brands as well. We are not a one-size-fits all package!
The mixture of two fire signs creates a truly explosive personality that is completely head turning. Your creativity and dynamic side are very impressive, and it should also be said that you are blessed with immense charisma. You are passionate, talented, brave and original and people love you for it! You choose to dream big and really do aim to reach for the stars in everything you do. Likewise, you really are a star, which explains why you love the limelight so much. 2ff7e9595c