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Self Organizing Maps Pdf Free: An Adaptive and Robust Dimension Reduction Technique


Self-organizing maps or (SOMs) are a type of ANN which can efficiently create maps of multi-dimensional and complex data in order to approximate the probability density function of the input data and show the data in a more comprehensive fashion and in fewer dimensions10,11. SOMs have been implemented broadly in ecological sciences, the methodology having advantages for information extraction (i.e., without prior knowledge) and efficiency of presentation, (i.e., visualization)10. The algorithm is able to map high-dimensional data to a 2-dimensional map display in such a way that similar data are located close to each other on the map12; allowing simple interpretation of large data sets. Use of SOMs in ecological behavioural literature have primarily analysed behavioural change in animals in response to environmental stressors (e.g., toxic chemicals)10,13,14,15. The method was also recently applied to classify behaviour in the human gait signature. Lakany16 successfully used wavelet and SOMs to correctly classify pathological cases which clinicians, due to the complexity of the impairment, have difficulty in accurately diagnosing. The SOM extracted features that successfully discriminated between those individuals with and without impaired locomotion10,16.

Self Organizing Maps Pdf Free

We studied the behaviours of free-roaming domestic cats (Felis catus) within South East Queensland, Australia, with a particular focus on developing tools to allow fine-scale movement behaviours of small animals to be collected and easily displayed. We used accelerometer trace data to identify behaviours, using a supervised machine learning self-organising map (SOM) algorithm to accurately predict the foraging behaviours of domestic cats22. Our objectives were to determine: (1) how accurate SOMs are in predicting fine-scale behaviour and (2) how the CatBib influences behavioural signatures in the accelerometer trace, if at all. It is expected that the accelerometer signature will be modified while wearing the CatBib when cats are free roaming, with hunting behaviours that display intensive acceleratory bursts of short duration such as jumping and pouncing to be most impacted.

A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is an unsupervised machine learning technique used to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional) representation of a higher dimensional data set while preserving the topological structure of the data. For example, a data set with p \displaystyle p variables measured in n \displaystyle n observations could be represented as clusters of observations with similar values for the variables. These clusters then could be visualized as a two-dimensional "map" such that observations in proximal clusters have more similar values than observations in distal clusters. This can make high-dimensional data easier to visualize and analyze.

Self-organizing maps, like most artificial neural networks, operate in two modes: training and mapping. First, training uses an input data set (the "input space") to generate a lower-dimensional representation of the input data (the "map space"). Second, mapping classifies additional input data using the generated map.

The goal of learning in the self-organizing map is to cause different parts of the network to respond similarly to certain input patterns. This is partly motivated by how visual, auditory or other sensory information is handled in separate parts of the cerebral cortex in the human brain.[6]

The neighborhood function θ(u, v, s) (also called function of lateral interaction) depends on the grid-distance between the BMU (neuron u) and neuron v. In the simplest form, it is 1 for all neurons close enough to BMU and 0 for others, but the Gaussian and mexican-hat[9] functions are common choices, too. Regardless of the functional form, the neighborhood function shrinks with time.[6] At the beginning when the neighborhood is broad, the self-organizing takes place on the global scale. When the neighborhood has shrunk to just a couple of neurons, the weights are converging to local estimates. In some implementations, the learning coefficient α and the neighborhood function θ decrease steadily with increasing s, in others (in particular those where t scans the training data set) they decrease in step-wise fashion, once every T steps.

While representing input data as vectors has been emphasized in this article, any kind of object which can be represented digitally, which has an appropriate distance measure associated with it, and in which the necessary operations for training are possible can be used to construct a self-organizing map. This includes matrices, continuous functions or even other self-organizing maps.

Selection of initial weights as good approximations of the final weights is a well-known problem for all iterative methods of artificial neural networks, including self-organizing maps. Kohonen originally proposed random initiation of weights.[10] (This approach is reflected by the algorithms described above.) More recently, principal component initialization, in which initial map weights are chosen from the space of the first principal components, has become popular due to the exact reproducibility of the results.[11]

Existing methods to identify the interfaces separating different regions in turbulent flows, such as turbulent/nonturbulent interfaces, typically rely on subjectively chosen thresholds, often including visual verification that the resulting surface meaningfully separates the different regions. Since machine learning tools are known to help automate such classification tasks, we here propose to use an unsupervised self-organizing map (SOM) machine learning algorithm as an automatic classifier. We use it to separate a boundary layer undergoing bypass transition into two distinct spatial regions, the turbulent boundary layer (TBL) and non-TBL regions, the latter including the laminar portion prior to transition and the outer flow which possibly contains weak free-stream turbulence. Both regions are separated by the turbulent boundary layer interface (TBLI). The data used in this study are from a direct numerical simulation and are available on an open database system. In our analysis of one snapshot in time, every spatial point is characterized by a 16-dimensional vector containing the magnitudes of the components of total and fluctuating velocity, magnitudes of the velocity gradient tensor elements, and the streamwise and wall-normal coordinates, all normalized by their global standard deviation. In an unsupervised fashion, the SOM classifier separates the points into TBL and non-TBL regions, thus identifying the TBLI without the need for user-specified thresholds. Remarkably, it avoids including vortical streaky structures that exist in the laminar portion prior to transition as well as the weak free-stream turbulence in the turbulent boundary layer region. The approach is compared quantitatively with existing methods to determine the TBLI (vorticity magnitude, cross-stream velocity fluctuation). Also, the SOM classifier is cast as a linear hyperplane that separates the two clusters of data points, and the method is tested by finding the TBLI of other snapshots in the transitional boundary layer data set, as well as in a fully turbulent boundary layer with similar levels of free-stream turbulence. Variants in which the approach failed are also summarized.

Sketch of original self-organizing map (SOM) as applied to a problem with two classes. Data (gray points) are described by two coordinates X=(X1,X2) (a 2D state vector). The green and red circles represent the two nodes. The open circle represents the first randomly chosen datapoint with position D1 toward which the closest of the initial nodes is drawn most strongly. After a few (N) iterations over the training data and nodes, the two nodes move to locations representing the clusters.

For clustering problems, the self-organizing feature map (SOM) is the most commonly used network. This network has one layer, with neurons organized in a grid. Self-organizing maps learn to cluster data based on similarity. For more information on the SOM, see Cluster with Self-Organizing Map Neural Network.

Create a network. For this example, you use a self-organizing map (SOM). This network has one layer, with the neurons organized in a grid. For more information, see Cluster with Self-Organizing Map Neural Network. When creating the network with selforgmap, you specify the number of rows and columns in the grid. dimension1 = 10;dimension2 = 10;net = selforgmap([dimension1 dimension2]); 2ff7e9595c

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