The operation of Wikipedia depends on MediaWiki, a custom-made, free and open source wiki software platform written in PHP and built upon the MySQL database system.[284] The software incorporates programming features such as a macro language, variables, a transclusion system for templates, and URL redirection.[285] MediaWiki is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and it is used by all Wikimedia projects, as well as many other wiki projects.[284][286] Originally, Wikipedia ran on UseModWiki written in Perl by Clifford Adams (Phase I), which initially required CamelCase for article hyperlinks; the present double bracket style was incorporated later.[287] Starting in January 2002 (Phase II), Wikipedia began running on a PHP wiki engine with a MySQL database; this software was custom-made for Wikipedia by Magnus Manske. The Phase II software was repeatedly modified to accommodate the exponentially increasing demand. In July 2002 (Phase III), Wikipedia shifted to the third-generation software, MediaWiki, originally written by Lee Daniel Crocker.
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It occurred to me that if the trucks only jammed tighterafter the forward pushing, they might be loosened by againpulling backwards. Now however a new difficulty arose.The coupling chains of the engine would not reach by fiveor six inches those of the overturned truck. Search wasmade for a spare coupling. By a solitary gleam of goodluck, one was found. The engine hauled at the wreckageand before the chain parted pulled it about a yard backwardsand off the track. Now surely the line was clear atlast. But again the corner of the engine footplate jammedwith the corner of the truck, and again we came to a jarringhalt. The heat and excitement of the work were such as toabsorb me completely. I remember thinking that it waslike working in front of an iron target at a rifle range atwhich men were continually firing. We struggled forseventy minutes among these clanging, rending iron boxes,amid the repeated explosions of shells and the ceaselesshammering of bullets, and with only five or six inches oftwisted ironwork to make the difference between danger,captivity and shame on the one hand, and safety, freedomand triumph on the other.
In spite of the vexatious course of the war, the twomonths' fighting for the relief of Ladysmith makes oneof the most happy memories of my life. Although ourirregular cavalry brigade was engaged with the enemy onat least three days out of five, our losses except inThorneycroft's regiment at Spion Kop were never severe. Wehad one skirmish after another with casualties runningfrom half a dozen to a score. I saw all there was to see.Day after day we rode out in the early morning on oneflank or another and played about with the Boers, gallopedaround or clambered up the rocky hills, caught glimpsesof darting, fleeting, horsemen in the distance, heard a fewbullets whistle, had a few careful shots and came safe hometo a good dinner and cheery, keenly-intelligent companions.Meanwhile I dispatched a continual stream of letters andcables to the Morning Post, and learned from them thatall I wrote commanded a wide and influential public. Iknew all the generals and other swells, had access toeveryone, and was everywhere well received. We lived in greatcomfort in the open air, with cool nights and brightsunshine, with plenty of meat, chickens and beer. Theexcellent Natal newspapers often got into the firing lineabout noon and always awaited us on our return in theevening. One lived entirely in the present with somethinghappening all the time. Care-free, no regrets for the past,no fears for the future; no expenses, no duns, no complications,and all the time my salary was safely piling up athome! When a prisoner I had thought it my duty to334write from Pretoria to the Morning Post releasing themfrom their contract, as it seemed they would get no morevalue out of me. They did not accept my offer; butbefore I knew this, I was already free. My relationswith them continued to be of the best; and one could notserve better employers. 2ff7e9595c